Lädt ...

winter wheat

Schön langsam beginnt die Reife!

In 1976 Saatzucht Edelhof started to breed winter wheat.
Our selection criterias are quality, resistances and selection for organic farming!

EDELMANN – aristocratic organic!

awned wheat with healthy leaves for organic farming (BQ 7)

  • high yield
  • very suppressive to weed
  • healthy leaves and ears
  • resistance to yellow rust
  • high test weight
  • solid falling number under varied weather conditions
  • good protein quality (BQ 7)
  • seeds for organic farming available

EDIKT – we  want to introduce….

awnless wheat with stable falling number (BQ 7)

  • mid-early ripening
  • tested under organic conditions
  • high protein and high protein-quality
Winterweizen Zuchtgarten bio

EHOGOLD – golden organic wheat 

awned organic wheat in top quality (BQ 8)

  • fast plant growth development
  • susceptible to low seed density
  • top-suppressive to weed
  • mid-early maturity
  • high yield of straw
  • stable falling number
  • highest protein and test weight
  • high milling yield
  • ideal for dry regions
  • seeds for organic farming available


EKONOM – Nomen est omen!

productive awned wheat of high qualitiy (BQ 7)

  • very high yield
  • high N-efficiency
  • medium maturity
  • medium to short height
  • stable falling number
  • high in protein
  • seeds for organic farming available
Grannenweizen reif

EMILIO  – high yields!

awned wheat (BQ 7)

  • high yields
  • winterhard and early maturity
  • healthy (leaves and ears)
  • elevated N-fertilization guarantees protein
  • high test weight combined with high yield of flour (above average)
  • international good performance in organic farming


EMOTION the sensitive

very stable awned wheat (BQ 6)

  • high yields
  • healthy (ears and leaves)
  • good to very good tolerance against all important illnesses
  • very stable in falling number
  • milling wheat with high quality


ENERGO – full of energy in yield and quality!

awned wheat with high quality for all regions (BQ 7)

  • high and stable yield
  • mid early in ear emergence
  • stable
  • healthy ears and leaves
  • resilience to Fusarium and yellow rust
  • balanced quality characteristics
  • big grains and high in protein
Winterweizen Bestand von oben

ENRICO – the ruler

healthy wheat with imposing yields (BQ 2)

  • suppressive to weed
  • remarkable yields (APS 3)
  • high yields of biomass for silage
  • highly stable in falling number
  • wheat for feeding (BQ 2)

ENTERTAINER – good entertainment!

awned high quality wheat (BQ 7)

  • mid-long
  • successful combination of yield AND quality

ERNESTUS – it´s getting serious!

awnless wheat (BQ 4)

  • mid length
  • stable
  • mid-ripening
  • high yields
  • healthy (ears and leaves)
  • high test weight
Winterweizen Ährenbestand

ETHAN– TOP in every every sense!

awnless mid-early ripening feed wheat (BQ 2)

  • enormous and stable yield potential
  • med to short
  • very stable
  • high N-efficiency
  • defensive forces against mildew, Septoria tritici yellow and stem rust
  • notice brown rust!
  • outragous in combination yield-protein
  • suitable for production of bio-ethanol
  • seeds available at Probstdorfer Saatzucht

– the healthy one!

awnless special combination of yield, healthiness, stability and milling quality (BQ 5)

  • mid-high
  • very stable
  • late maturity
  • high resistance agains mildew, rusts, septoria and DTR
  • good resiliance to Fusarium
  • high yield combined with high test weight 
  • millingwheat (baking quality 5)
  • stable falling number
  • seeds for organic farming available
WW im Gewitter