Lädt ...

spring oats

Haferbestand reif

Although the importance of oats on the world market is decreasing, we are still breeding new spring oats for our farmers!

Not only in our rough regions in the Waldviertel oats are an eminent crop!


  • tall AND firm
  • high AND stable yield
  • best test weights
  • good fodder value
  • suitable for food consumption
  • seeds for organic farming available



EDDY – All’s well that “EDDYs” well!

  • yellow hull
  • high yield potential
  • mid-high and stable
  • very healthy

EFES – grain and straw!


  • mid to late ripening
  • high tolerance to mildew
  • very high yield
  • very high yields of straw
  • good fodder value
  • suitable for iner-utilization on farms with livestock farming

EGON – the racy!

  • medium to early ripening
  • high yield
  • high test weight
  • bred in and for our region!
Hafer Rispenschieben


ELBANY – the hull-free one!

  • selected in Austria
  • small kernels due to lack of hull
  • best qualities: test weight and fibre
  • highest contents of protein and fat
  • recommended for organic farming
  • seeds vailable 2025

ELISON – in him we trust!

  • very high yields
  • big grains
  • tolerant to mildew
  • medium ripening
  • stable


ELRON – the rarely strong yellow one!

  • mid-early ripening and stable 
  • healthy leaves
  • high yields
  • highest N-Efficiency
  • seeds available 2025


ELYFER – the white inspiration!

  • registered in Ireland and France
  • mid-early ripening
  • big, healthy and beautiful kernels
  • highest quality 
Hafer Aufgang



 enjoy these yields!

  • balanced agronomic properties
  • middle early ripening
  • high yield
  • highly stable
  • good tolerance to mildew
  • seeds for organic farming available


ENNI  the WHITE sword!

  • registered in Finland
  • very long and stable
  • very big kernels
  • late ripening
  • high quality



stable till harvest!

  • high yields
  • highly stable
  • mid-high
  • low raw fibre – high energetic fodder value
  • good tolerance to mildew